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Common sense crime prevention 1 | Ropers Locksmiths Seaburn Sunderland

Writer's picture: Andy Roper - Ropers LocksmithsAndy Roper - Ropers Locksmiths

Basic crime prevention ideas by

Ropers Locksmiths Seaburn Sunderland

So what is crime prevention then for the residents of Seaburn and Sunderland ?

Basically, it's setting up security features in and around your home or business and having sensible routines and behaviours which put barriers in the way of criminals gaining access to your property.

Once a burglar or thief has managed to get into your house, garage or shed they can literally help themselves to your stuff.

Your nice things are now the items on the “all you can steal menu”

So what simple things can we do to improve our security?

There are a few basics:

Use door and window locks at all times of the day and night.

It is a misconception that criminals only go out thieving at night, many burglaries for example in Seaburn are carried out during the day. In fact a large number are where the offender has just sneaked into a house via an open or unlocked door. Use the door and window locks that you have fitted and make Sunderland a more secure place.

Don't leave keys inside the lock or within reach of a letterbox or window

Sometimes the little criminal “darlings” take tools out with them when they go to work (committing crime) throughout Sunderland. Some of the tools are used to reach through a letterbox or window and grab any keys or other valuables that are within reach. This is called "Fishing". How do we make the doors in Seaburn more secure - well you could install a letterbox cage / box. Most importantly put keys out of view and reach of the letterbox.

Don't hide keys in Sunderland gardens as a backup for lost or missing keys.

It has been known for Sunderland homeowners to hide a key or set of keys in or around the garden - under a feature such as a rock or within a specially designed item sold by companies as being a safe option.

DON'T DO IT. you are practically giving anyone 24 hour access to your home. This could also invalidate insurance policies

If you move house within the Sunderland area - get new locks throughout

When you move into a new house especially in an area like Seaburn, it is often a great feeling and there are lots of things to do or consider. First option I would say is to get the locks changed. The reason being is that you do not know who has keys for the existing locks.. These locks may have had a large number of keys cut and given out to friends and family of the previous owners over the years. Who knows where the keys are now?

There are many more suggestions, ideas and security fixtures that can be used (sometimes at cost) which greatly assists with home security. I will cover some of these in my next blog.

In the meantime if you need any crime prevention advice or help with locks, keys or door hardware / workings then give Andy a shout. He can be found at or called via mobile number 07368313149.

Until next time bye bye

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Unknown member
Feb 27, 2024

Common sense crime prevention tips are always valuable, and Locksmith Myrtle Beach company seems to truly understand the importance of proactive security measures. they genuinely care about their customers' safety.


Unknown member
Jul 16, 2021

Whenever you want to change your residential or car locks, always contact experienced and advanced locksmiths because they install the best and secure locks at a genuine price.

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